First Leg Circuito Brasileiro de Xball (CBX) Amateur Division 1st place Pint a Pua Red 2nd place Raptors PBT 3rd place...
The National Xball League (NXL) will hold its second event of the 2015 season in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The event will be...
Is this the best paintball game in a decade? With nearly 3 MILLION views, many may think so. What’s your opinion?
Check out the images from our good friend Gary Baum.
We’re here live at the NXL Cleveland. Check out the Ironmen Vs. X-Factor & Russian Legion Vs. Outlaws Video below: Watch...
The Resurrection Series continues as we follow Tampa Bay Damage (TBD) into the opening event of 2015; PSP Dallas. Get a pit-side...
Ready for some big news? It is with great pleasure that the NXL welcomes DYE Paintball as a 2015 NXL Platinum Sponsor!...
Check out Sina’s latest video with AC Dallas as they explain some of the new NXL format and rules.
Maurice interviews Nick Leival from Bitburg, Germany at the Millennium Series European Masters. Check it out. Edmonton Impact Coach Dave...
Want to see what the NXL webcast is going to be like? And who’s going to be in the broadcast booth? Check...