The May issue of Paintball.Media Magazine is available LIVE & FREE for your reading pleasure below. Click EXPAND to read in full...
G.I. SPORTZ was created by former players whose paintball lives originated in the woods darting through the trees, crawling creek beds and...
The West Point Combat Classic is one of the longest running paintball games in the U.S. This year’s event will take place...
Tippmann, longtime manufacturer of affordable paintball guns used worldwide by fields and playing parks as rental equipment and by millions of players... has just released their full featured documentary on the 4000 player Skirmish ION scenario game. Check out the trailer below:
Check out this video from Social Paintball in Orlando! So what are you, team Batman or Superman?
Our newest issue (#3) will be available June 20 at paintball stores, fields newsstands and for online ordering. ORDER A COPY OF PRINT...
Check out the images from the amazing Skirmish Invasion of Normandy (ION) Big Game. All photos by John Amodea.
Check out this amazing photo gallery from our friend Erik Chateau. All photos are from the Veckring France Big Game.
For more than 25 years, Cousins Paintball has been presenting their annual Big Game, with hundreds of players from all over the...