Check out our photo gallery of the World Cup finals!
Check out our continued coverage of the NXL World Cup!
Check out our first photo gallery from the NXL World Cup. Be sure to stop by and pick up your issue of...
Check out our first photo gallery from the NXL World Cup. Be sure to stop by and pick up your issue of...
The NXL is preparing for their third and largest event of the year, The NXL World Cup 2015. This event will see...
Chantilly 2015 Webcast Trailer Day 1 – Paris-Chantilly [France] World Cup 2015 Day 2 – Paris-Chantilly [France] World Cup 2015...
Our newest issue (#3) will be available June 20 at paintball stores, fields newsstands and for online ordering. ORDER A COPY OF PRINT...
The Most Significant Event in Tournament Paintball Kicks Off Near Kissimmee’s Old Town October 14, 2015 The National Xball League (NXL) is...
The Millennium Series hosted a limited paint event to show off the new M500 format. Check it out!
Check out this awesome video from the Millennium Series featuring the TonTons!