Join us in Music City for the NXL Nashville Open: June 24 – 26, 2016
The Trade Show and Team Check-In will begin on Thursday, June 23rd. Games for the Xball formats will begin Friday, June 24th and 5man formats will beginon Saturday and/or Sunday. Team and Player Registration for all ten divisions is now open on-line HERE.
Book your flights into Nashville and enjoy a discount from! Save up to 10% off flights booked through for any of the 2016 NXL events including the NXL Nashville Open! Simply choose your flight times, and access your meeting discounts at Click on All Search Options, Promotions and Certificates and insert Offer Code ZWFE890108 Or Call your travel professional or United Meetings at 800-426-1122 for reservations. Refer to Z Code ZWFE and Agreement Code: 890108
*When you are looking for flights, don’t forget about airlines such as Southwest who only advertise rates on their own website.
Venue Information:
Sharp Springs Park, 1000 Espey Drive, Smyrna, TN 37167
Playing Surface: Grass
Entering a Team: Sign up HERE
Field Layout: The Field Layout will be posted on Wednesday, June 8th.
Parking: Free!
League Website:
Weather: Rain or Shine – We play either way!
Vendors and Sponsors: Companies interested in sponsoring or setting up a booth at the event should visit or contact [email protected].
Rules: Visit
Reffing: Interested in refereeing the NXL or an NXL affiliate league? Email [email protected].
Photographers: Photographers wanting on-field access or team staging area access should download and submit a Media Permit application from
Media: News agencies should email [email protected] for assistance.
Paint: Only the paint of a 2016 NXL Paint sponsor may be used at an NXL event. Check for an updated list of Paint sponsors.
Tickets: Spectators have free entrance to the event, but can purchase special grandstand or VIP seating for as low as $10 per adult/$5 per child at starting May 25th.
Entry Fees:
Below are the entry fees before any late fees are assessed. The division name in parenthesis refers to how the division matches up in the World Paintball Organization. NXL roster classification rules and divisions offered have not changed from 2015.
Professional: $2,850
Semi-Professional: $2,600
D2 Xball (“WPBO D1”): $2,600
D3 Xball (“WPBO D2”): $2,300
D4 Xball (“WPBO D3”): $2,300
D3 5man (“WPBO D2 5man”): $850
D4 5man (“WPBO D3 5man”): $850
10 Man Open: $1,450
Pump Open: $500
D-500: $1,250
Event Prizes by Division:
1st Place: $12,000
2nd Place: $5,000
1st Place: $5,000
2nd Place: $3,000
D2 Xball (“WPBO D1”)
1st Place: $3,000 and ½ Off Future NXL Entry ($1,300 value)
2nd Place: $2,000 and ½ Off Future NXL Entry ($1,300 value)
3rd Place: ½ Off Future NXL Entry ($1,300 value)
D3 Xball (“WPBO D2”)
1st Place: $2,500 and ½ Off Future NXL Entry ($1,150 value)
2nd Place: $1,000 and ½ Off Future NXL Entry ($1,150 value)
3rd Place: ½ Off Future NXL Entry ($1,150 value)
D4 Xball (“WPBO D3”)
1st Place: $2,500 and ½ Off Future NXL Entry ($1,150 value)
2nd Place: $1,000 and ½ Off Future NXL Entry ($1,150 value)
3rd Place: ½ Off Future NXL Entry ($1,150 value)
D3 5man (“WPBO D2 5man”)
1st Place: $1,500 and ½ Off Future NXL Entry ($425 value)
2nd Place: $500 and ½ Off Future NXL Entry ($425 value)
3rd Place: ½ Off Future NXL Entry ($425 value)
D4 5man (“WPBO D3 5man”)
1st Place: $1,500 and ½ Off Future NXL Entry ($425 value)
2nd Place: $500 and ½ Off Future NXL Entry ($425 value)
3rd Place: ½ Off Future NXL Entry ($425 value)
10 Man Open
1st Place: $2,500 and ½ Off Future NXL Entry ($725 value)
2nd Place: $750 and ½ Off Future NXL Entry ($725 value)
3rd Place: ½ Off Future Entry ($725 value)
Pump Open
1st Place: $1,000
2nd Place: $200
1st Place: $1,500 and ½ off future entry ($625 value)
2nd Place: $500 and ½ off future entry ($625 value)
3rd Place: ½ off future entry ($625 value)
2016 NXL Rule Book
The 2016 NXL Rule Books for all divisions can be downloaded from Click here for the main rule book, or click here to view the 5man/10man/Pump/D500 sections.