When it comes to live paintball, the idea is simple – approach the masses with a sport. One that we have all grown to appreciate and love, primarily because we have experienced it in one format or another and care to share that very same experience with others. The problem – is to generate a platform that is effective but also sustainable over a long period of time.
In partnership with the Millennium Series and the National Xball League – a new platform has been produced. One that will house not only the future of live paintball, but also a database of previous content; in a single location with a professional level of assortment. That’s not all; the business model includes content to entertain our users with a consistent approach to media ingestion, not only during national events but also during “off” months. Content planned includes multiple genres of production. Such as live webcasts, short films, documentaries, how-to films, “Wired (mic’d up),” and much, much more.
On the note of media playback – we have also partnered up with Limelight, a company that has extensive knowledge and experience in creating data distribution and playback in an effort to produce the highest level of production. Limelight will also be assisting the live production in 2016 with a live encoding format that will theoretically reduce bandwidth requirements by up to 40%. This is one of many ways we plan to progress the sustainability of large scale productions in paintball.
Introducing gosports.com – a one stop shop for everything that is paintball media.
Let’s get down to details.
The website at launch will include
- All 2015 NXL matches separated and available for HD playback
- All 2015 Millennium matches separated and available for HD playback
- All LIVE 2016 NXL productions and “DVR” playback
- All LIVE 2016 Millennium productions and “DVR” playback
- A full season of Paintball University content with a release schedule of continued material; Featuring Justin Rabackoff and other professional paintball players
- “The Rundown” a new docu-series – Episodes on release include 2015 AC Dallas- “Why Not Us” and “World Cup.” As well as future releases of Upton 187 and Houston Heat
- Exclusive behind the scenes content at all major national events and some regional leagues
- Micro and grass root content of ALL pro teams in the Millennium Series and National Xball League
- Playback on all major devices are supported
- An active support team. If and when you have a problem – we are here to assist.
- Most importantly: the cost.
- All future content is included in the monthly subscription
At a mere $8 a month, you gain full access to the site with no strings attached. Subscribe or cancel with one click.
And the question of availability and launch date: We do not have a set launch date yet – we are taking the time to not only properly test the site but also the integration of live and post content. The timeframe will be between now and March 10th. The team has been working hard on stabilizing on every platform you can think of to ensure a smooth launch for paintball.
On a personal note: 2016 is going to be exciting – we’re continuing to assess our productions and make progress on all fronts. A great example is all the NXL locations for 2016 have already secured a high speed point to point network as well as a dedicated network administrator at each event. Similar to World Cup, we have also created redundancies on items such as server stability, login authentication, and even a mobile network for any outages.
Story courtesy of PbNation.