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HK Army NXL Team Sponsorships and Paint Deals

hhk2016 NXL Team Sponsorships

No matter what division your team plays, HK Army can develop the perfect team sponsorship package to suit your needs and help you dominate in the NXL! From tournament ready performance gear to high quality paintballs, HK Army has you covered.

In order to receive an NXL team sponsorship, it’s as easy as 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Register with [email protected]

OR visit your local paintball shop/field and inquire about the HK Army NXL team sponsorship program

Step 2: Work with an HK Army designer to develop your new, custom team jerseys! Then each team member must select at least 2 items from the Tournament Ready Products category on the flyer. Want to mix and match your items? No problem! Each player can choose the products they need (must select at least 2 items per player).

Step 3: Dominate at the NXL events with your new HK Army gear and receive our preferred pricing on our Tournament Grade Paintballs + Receive a contingency bonus for placing 1st or 2nd place at the events!

Support Your Local Dealer and Field:

We strongly encourage all teams to pursue their HK Army NXL Team Sponsorship through your local paintball store and/or field. We guarantee you will receive the exact same rates as you would through contacting HK Army direct. It’s important to represent your local dealer and/or field because they are the backbone for your team’s daily needs and training. It is also a great way to build relations with them and more team sponsorship support as you will be directly representing them in the largest league in the Nation!

HK Army NXL Sponsorship Details:

Custom Packages – Build your own HK Army team package and custom Jerseys (Can be arranged through local dealer/field)

Discounted Paint – Sponsorship rates on tournament grade paintballs at NXL events (Can be arranged through local dealer/field)

1st Place Contingency Bonus – Take 1st place at an NXL event and 50% of your paint tab will be credited to your team for use at the next event! (Team members must shoot HK paint the entire event, compete in their custom team jerseys and wear their HK Army tournament ready products)

2nd Place Contingency Bonus -Take 2nd place at an NXL event and 25% of your paint tab will be credited to your team for use at the next event! (Team members must shoot HK paint the entire event, compete in their custom team jerseys and wear their HK Army tournament ready products)

Media Coverage  – HK Army teams have the opportunity to get featured on our HK Army Event videos hosted on YouTube (115,000+ Subscribers and over 24 million views!), or featured on our HK Army Instagram and Facebook! Plus we will have our professional photographers at all events snapping player photos and team images will be hosted on the HK Army online gallery.

Contact [email protected] OR visit your local dealer to sign-up!!

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