Marcello Margott, formerly of the LA Ironmen is now a member of San Diego Dynasty. This from his Facebook page:
“It is with a heavy heart that I am parting ways with one of the best brands in the business, DYE paintball and the legendary team Ironmen. The Ironmen are full of young talented players that I have built great relationships with and with Shane Pestana and Billy Wing back in the mix this was one of the toughest decisions in my paintball career. DYE gave me my first opportunity to be a professional player at the age of 15 and I will never forget or take for granted the years spent with the company. However, it is time for me to walk down a new path and take on new challenges in order to be the player I would like to become. I have accepted the opportunity to play with San Diego Dynasty, another legendary team loaded with longtime friends that I have grown up playing paintball with. DYE has done nothing wrong by me, this is a personal decision that I felt I needed to make for myself as they have always supported me at a very high level. I genuinely wish DYE paintball and the Ironmen organization nothing but the absolute best in everything they do. The team and company will always hold a special place in my heart that can’t be replaced and I will continue to root for their success. I thank them and you for the support and hope to continue forward with nothing but positive relations with everyone. Again, thank you for everyone that supports this decision, please know it was not an easy one.”
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