United Paintball League (UPL) – Regional Challenge – Las Vegas Event #2 – Over 14K in Cash Prizes + Series Prizes!
We here at United Paintball League (UPL) wanted to create an event for you, the avid tournament paintball player.
Are you tired of going to a tournament and paying expensive entry fee’s to compete for a prize that does not even cover your expenses? Well we are offering you a chance to participate in the United Paintball League – Regional Challenge – Las Vegas Event #2 and compete for over 14 thousand dollars in CASH!
Not only are we offering low entry fees, and giving away 14 thousand dollars in cash, we will also be giving out FREE fruit and water to all teams participating in the event all weekend long!
Registration will be done through APPA, register your team at http://www.paintball-players.org/cgi-bin/signup.cgi?LID=287&EID=4734.
Saturday June 11th – Sunday June 12th
The field will be available to walk on Friday June 10th
Vegas Xtreme Paintball Park
70 W Craig Rd
North Las Vegas, NV 89031
Divisions (5 Man RaceTo):
D3 RaceTo 4 (Entry Fees Start at $900) Plays Saturday June 11th
D4 RaceTo 4 (Entry Fees start at $700) Plays Sunday June 12th
D4 RaceTo 2 (Entry Fees start at $500) Plays Saturday June 11th
D5 RaceTo 2 (Entry Fees start at $400) Plays Sunday June 12th
Prizes per division:
CASH Prizes are PAID in FULL at the end of each event!
(Minimum 10 teams per division or prize pool will drop by 25%)
Each top 3 finisher per division will receive a trophy and 10 medals.
D3 RaceTo 4
1st Place $3500.00
2nd Place $1750.00
3rd Place $875.00
D4 RaceTo 4
1st Place $2500.00
2nd Place $1250.00
3rd Place $625.00
D4 RaceTo 2
1st $1500.00
2nd $750.00
3rd $375.00
D5 RaceTo 2
1st $750.00
2nd $375.00
3rd $200.00
PSP Rules (No Coaching)
12.5 BPS Ramping
This tournament is event paint only.
Empire Paintball will be offering 3 different grades of paint (Empire Evil, Empire Ultra Evil) ranging from $40 – $45
Critical Paintball will be offering “Critical Stealth” paint for $35
For More Information Call (818) 900-2044 // Visit www.UPLPaintball.com// Visit www.Facebook.com/UPLPaintball // Follow us on Instagram @UPLPaintball