Ultimate Woodsball League (UWL) 2016 US Events
All events will have both a 5-man and 10-man competition except D-Day. D-Day only has 5-man.
5-man championships are at Badlandz during the Masters 10-man championships are at SC Village during the SoCal Open in early 2017.
Sunshine Open
April 2-April 3, 2016
Tracks and Trails Punta Gorda, FL
Old Battle Bay Maryland Open
May 14-May 15 2016
OXCC Paintball Chesapeake City, MD
D Day (5 man only)
June 17, 2016
D-Day Adventure Park Wyandotte, OK
Music City Open in Tennessee
July 23-July 24, 2016
Bear Claw Paintball
Fayetteville, TN
UWL Masters 10-man and Championship for 5 man
September 10-September 11, 2016
Badlandz Paintball Field
Crete, IL
SoCal Open (10man Championship)
January 29, 2017
SC Village Corona, CA