The NXL World Cup webcast pre-order is now available. Pre-order at and click on “Live Webcast”.
What you get with your pre-order
- 25% discount for pre-ordering the live World Cup webcast ($14.99)
- Early access to the NXL Web Series
Web Series Episode 1 is LIVE
Web Series Episode 2 is LIVE only if you pre-order
Episode 3 Available October 6th - Early access to The Impact Series
Episode 3 available October 12th! - 3 days of LIVE paintball coverage during the World Cup NXL event
- All of the Virginia Beach pro and final divisional matches
- During the Thursday pro practice we will have a live feed IN FRONT of the paywall so that concerned users can preview the live feed before purchasing
A quick behind the scenes update
– We have beefed up our redundancies for power and internet
– Power – we are using industrial grade APC’s that can handle the full production suite for over an hour. Even with flaky rental generators we should be solid.
– Internet – we are going back to the point to point internet solution rather than satellite. Although 3 times the cost of a dish and dish service, we feel it’s going to pay out in the long run. This is the same service we used in Cleveland – which had 100% uptime and I’m personally confident with this solution.
– Playback is no longer done through livestream. We are using a far more advanced (and expensive) player (limelight) – For those who understand – we no longer need to encode 3 streams for playback. 1 HD stream is re-rendered and processed into lower resolution playbacks. This will help with server loads on the encoder and bandwidth requirements for upload.
Noteworthy updates
– Paywall – General server improvements to remove “kick-offs and time-outs”
– New scoreboard – smaller and less intrusive than the current one
– Sponsored replay – woo more replay!!
– Dedicated drone pilot- woo more aerial shots!!
– 2 Start box cameras with wider lenses so we get a more informative breakout shots.
– 5 dedicated camera men
– Breakout graphics – similar to tennis live production, they produce a graphic showing where the players land their first and second serves… we are producing a graphic for breakouts to visually dictate live and dead players.
Thank you for the support in working with the production team on generating a live show for paintball to enjoy! Be sure to catch some of the highlights of the live show on the PbNation YouTube channel!